MCU Fans celebrate the Iconic Hulk ThuderClap in She Hulk



Well, it may not be known to most people but The Incredible Hulk was the 2nd MCU movie which is often forgetted because of the performance difference when compared to other Marvel projects.

She Hulk : Attorney of Law returns the lost glory to the Hulk in one the the teaser scenes where the Hulk can be seen to use his superpower which has not been used in the MCU since 2008.

The Hulk’s ThunderClap is deemed to be Hulk’s original superpower and dates back to the comics and a time when kids knew about it and were excited about such a feat. That was the time when people use to mimic The Hulk’s Thunderclap and used to rejoice with it.

But after the MCU’s Hulk debut, things didn’t go as planned and Hulk’s glory got lost with time. We couldn’t see the disastrous Hulk that we often rejoiced over.

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The ThunderClap is not like the normal clap by a big man it’s depicted as an Earth - shaking demonstration of the Hulk’s superhuman strength.

The Hulk spreads his arms wide as much as he can and swiftly claps with tremendous force that his arms gather, generating a blast of air which compares to the Winds of Hurricane.

The last time we saw Hulk utilize this power was in 2008’s The Incredible Hulk where he uses the Thuderclap to put down a fire which was reaching a helicopter.

But, after this movie Hulk’s inhumane powers were just shelved off to make the movies more family friendly which lowers the standars of Hulk genuinely.

But now that She Hulk teaser clip has been released we can have a look over the iconic Thunderclap that we all were missing when we saw Hulk.

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The Hulk in the teaser can be seen preparing Jennifer with the Iconic move and in an attempt making her understand the extent of her power that comes after the Gamma ray affection.

There’s a lot to see in She Hulk : Attorney at Law other than just CGI. It premiers on Disney + on Aug 17.